Who Wants To Be An Olympian?

click here for venues, dates and booking links
2024 is Olympic year, so get your family stuck in with
'Who Wants to be an Olympian?', our fun-filled interactive show where the audience gets to go for gold!
Following our hugely successful tours for Newham Heritage Month in 2022 and to libraries in 2023, this show is a must-see for this Olympic summer!
The show is aimed at Children aged 6 to 12 and their families
Devised by Raewyn Lippert, Vickie Holden and Ashlee McIntosh
Directed by Vickie Holden
Set design by Helen Coyston
Quotes from our bookers:
"The perfect balance between entertainment and heritage, engaging the entire audience in a creative and exciting way"
James King, Programme Manager, Newham Heritage Month
"There were performances of 'Who Wants to be an Olympian?' in all Newham Libraries this summer. Engaging, interactive, informative and fun. We loved this show and we know that the families of Newham did too. Highly recommended. A must see, slick and professional piece of theatre"
Deborah Peck, Library Development Officer, Newham Libraries
"Amazing. 10 out of 10. Best thing ever. Loved the level of interaction and the passion, excitement, energy of the event"
Paul Boyd, Year 5 Teacher, Curwen Primary School
Primary School Shows: (company of 2)
First show: £265
Second show in the same day: £200
Each performance lasts 60 minutes and can be performed for up to 120 pupils.
Public shows: (arts centres / libraires / studio theatres - company of 3)
Public shows include a third company member in the capacity of stage manager & event co-ordinator.
Please contact Pakiki Theatre to discuss charges in more detail for your specific venue.
Tour specs can be found here on tour-finder
Booking information:
We would love to reply to your enquiry, please contact us here.
‘Who Wants to be An Olympian?’ is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Thanks to National Lottery Players.
Pākiki Theatre is an ArtsMark registered company.